a trusted name in Piercing and body modification Since 1994. 

At The Piercing Shop, we provide our patrons with high quality piercings in a safe, clean, and enjoyable environment. Our two fully qualified piercers have over 30 years of combined piercing experience, so you can be confident in the knowledge that your piercing will be quick, accurate, and safe.

We understand that there is more to a good piercing than just the initial service, which is why we provide check-up services. We will ensure that you are well informed of the piercing process as well as your piercing's required care and expected short-term and long-term results.

The Piercing Shop's commitment to quality & care, our wide array of high quality jewellery, our extensive range of offered services, and our friendly atmosphere makes us the ideal environment for your first or next piercing.


We look forward to providing you

"A hole new experience"




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